The Foundlings

So, Bob was headed to work over a week ago, traveling up one of the main roads through our area. This is total country and people tend to drive well over 55 on these country roads. There in the middle of the road, literally, were two tiny puppies! As he approached, the puppies moved to the side of the road. Luckily, no other vehicles were in the area. He stopped and picked them.  He called me to say he was coming back and to meet him out front. When he got here he opened the passenger door and there were these two little puppies!

We have an enclosed dog pen with a roof (have never used it for dogs!) so I put them in there with a pet carrier padded with a throw. I gave them water and some food and spent time with them off and on during the day. They are poi dogs (that is a Hawaiian term for mixed breed), both males. One has the coloration of a Rottweiler but lies like a Labrador. The other is black with white slippers on each foot and a squished hour-glass on his chest. Head looks Labrador-ish.  The black and white one couldn’t stand or walk very well. He would wag his tail but if he were standing and you approached him, he’d go the other way with a cowered demeanor…still wagging his tail!  I was scared he was born with a disability. His hind legs were very spread out and he could barely support his weight on them. He limped considerably in the front but it was difficult to discern exactly why.  The other one was a pistol and just loved you all over!

They stayed out in the dog kennel that night…crying till they fell asleep (stab the heart, twist…).  The next day I brought them in and gave them baths.  I was amazed at how good they were about it. I mean, my dogs are horrible! Once they were clean, I let them be in the house. I did notice that one of the times I picked up the black and white he yelped in pain so determined that his wobbliness must be from injury. I also noticed during the bath that he had road rash type wounds (small but there) below his lower lip.  I took great care after that when I had to pick him up in case he had any fractures to his ribs.  I figure he was kicked or literally thrown from the vehicle!  In a few days, he was healed and he was (and still is) able to run and play just like his brother.

Had to buy Puppy Chow because our grown puppies’ food is too big for their tiny teeth. I had given them Meow Mix, which they loved but no way! Besides, kitty crunchies don’t have the right nutritional makeup (!). And then I had to name them. Yeah, yeah, we were trying to find homes for them…talking about them on Face Book and one of our sons came over and took pics and put them on FB but everyone already has more than one dog.  And I refuse to just put a note on a bulletin board or some such. Free pets that don’t go to referral people….nah…not what I’d want.  And these little guys had already been thrown out once!

I mean, what kind of low-life, scummy, pathetic, poor excuse for a human being would dump any animal? Puppies, kittens, grown pets….I can’t even begin to describe how I feel about such disgusting creeps.  These little guys were not only dumped but the black and white one was abused…thrown, kicked, whatever.  They (whoever “they” are) say that what goes around comes around. Well, may these things calling themselves people get their just desserts sooner rather than later.