Are You The Alpha Dog?

Are you a dog owner? If so, are you the alpha dog? You need to be, whether you have one dog or several. And, no, I am not advocating biting your dog’s ear like in “Snow Dogs” but your authority needs to be established. There are some good articles out there to tell...

Burned Pet Tongues

We had a terrible event over Thanksgiving weekend. My darling Sophie (my precious black kitten) got her tongue burned very badly. We were having TG on Friday due to schedule issues with our boys. We made spaghetti on Thursday night and put the can of hot grease from...

Neutering And Spaying Your Pets

Dealing with all these feral cats has made me a bit more mindful about “fixing” cats and dogs.   Out of all these feral cats I have, I was only able to get one in a cage and take in to the SPCA.  It was Bear.  He is wary of me now and the others I tried to catch are...

Potty Training Puppies

If you follow my blog then you know that I’m totally into and love my animals. If you are new here let me tell you that I love my animals unconditionally and am probably not very different than you, since you are here seeking information to help solve a problem you...